We provide employee benefits accounting under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
We assist with actuarial valuations for accounting purposes of retirement and other long-term benefit plans including pension, gratuity (end of service benefits), annuity, long service benefits, post-retirement medical benefits and flexible benefits in Asia.
Our most notable clients are from Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia, hence, we are familiar with local reporting regulations and requirements of respective countries. Valuation performed using the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) method as required by the IAS 19 Employee Benefits.
We are also familiar with the seniority payment calculation required by the Prakas 443 on Senior Indemnity in Cambodia.
benefit design & planning
gratuity benefits
end of service benefits
pension benefits
retirement benefits
long service benefits
death & disability benefits
withdrawal benefits
ill-health early retirement benefits
post retirement medical benefits
flexible benefits
salary planning
scheme eligibility design
sustainability analysis
actuarial valuation & financial reporting
accounting valuation
funding valuation
sensitivity testing
dynamic financial analysis
enterprise data warehouse
employee stock options
financial derivatives modelling
Black-Scholes Model
Monte Carlo Simulation
binomial lattice
trinomial lattice
finite differences
geometric brownian motion
economic scenario generator
stochastic modelling
Shu Yi joined Actomate in 2017, she has more than 7 years of professional actuarial experience in life insurance and general insurance. She currently leads the employee benefits practice.
Shu Yi plays a key role in developing business and managing clients in Asia such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Dubai, Indonesia, Kuwait, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and etc. She is eager to expand the firm’s offering to emerging countries.
With Shu Yi’s current role in employee benefits, she has supported her clients of various background from non-governmental organizations to multinational and local companies and insurers. Shu Yi is familiar with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for employee benefits including IAS 19, MFRS 119, MPERS 28, MPSAS 25, SFRS (I) 1-19, SFRS for SE 28, IPSAS 39, NZ IAS 19. For Share-Based Payments IFRS 2, MFRS 2. In addition to the US GAAP ACS 715, ACS 718 and the UK GAAP FRS 102.
Shu Yi is actively involved in the design and planning of employee benefits including retirement benefits, gratuity benefits, pensions benefits, post-retirement medical benefit, leave encashment benefits and Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS).
She started her actuarial career in multinational life insurance company, responsible for the pricing of employee benefits. In 2023, Shu Yi received the BMI AFFINGEM Woman Entrepreneur Award. In a short period of just over 5 years, Shu Yi steered the company to grow by more than 10 times in revenue and profit.
Shu Yi was the Secretary of Actuarial Society of Malaysia (ASM) for years 2020 - 2021. She graduated from Sunway University in Malaysia holding a BSc in Actuarial Studies.
Lim Shu Yi
International Practice
International Accounting Standards 19 (IAS 19 Employee Benefits)
Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International) (SFRS-(I) 1-19 Employee Benefits)
Singapore Financial Reporting Standards for Small Entities (SFRS for SE 28 Employee Benefits)
Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards 119 (MFRS 119 Employee Benefits)
Malaysian Private Entities Reporting Standards 28 (MPERS 28 Employee Benefits)
Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standards 25 (MPSAS 25 Employee Benefits)
An Empirical Analysis of Defined Benefit Plans in Malaysia (Defined Benefit (DB) Plans)
Prakas 443 on Seniority Indemnity (Prakas No. 443)
Accounting Valuation IND AS 19 (Ind AS 19)
Accounting Valuation IND AS 2: Share-Based payments (Ind AS 102)
We specialise in actuarial valuation for employee benefits to comply with accounting requirements according to local and international financial reporting standards.
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